- Software Engineer
- Writing Enthusiast
- Coffee Snob
I ramble on here about whatever happens to be on my mind.
Reach out to my email if you want to chat.
Hello. \o/
I'm Gopal. I do fun things on the web.
I'm currently a Senior Software Engineer @ Google.
I work on helping build Filestore on the Google Cloud Platform.
I've done everything from building real time chat applications used by millions of people at Expedia, to managing infrastructure and build systems for the Postman, to working on building native iOS applications in my free time!
I'm rather passionate about web application performance and I'm prone to occasional rants about bundlers.
Outside of work I religiously watch the NBA, explore a variety of coffee roasts, and love to read fantasy fiction.
Here's a bunch of links -
Feel free to reach out to me at hi@gopalsharma.dev
I'm open to most things that sound fun! :)